.:soft reminder:.

"And if My servants ask thee about Me - behold, I am NEAR; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me; let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so they might follow the right way" (2:186)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

lamaran kedua: an explanation


I seriously need to record this down or it’ll decay with time. Besides, I’ve promised to so many friends who’re waiting for some hot updates from me (bhahaha… let me be). It has been quite sometimes actually but I have got no time to just sit and jot something about all the sweet-sour memories I have when I was in Harmain (Mecca and Medina. 1 = Haram. 2 = Harmain. Not Harams hokey… Arabic is just so cool). Oh, plus, another ‘lesson-learnt’ day in Karachi as my parents and I transit there before we eventually ‘touchdown’ Malaysia, the ‘Bumi Bertuah’ (there I said it).

Since I’ve somehow created lil havoc and rumor among my friends and blog readers, I need to clear up this statement of ‘lamaran kedua’. Hah-ha. Oh, even Simaa has her goose-bump reading it :p thehehe ^^

Though my mother would ask me three times a day (if I’m home) these weird out-of-place questions and statements like:

1. Kak, bila nak kahwin kak? Kak Farah dah nak kahwin dah…

2. Kakak doa nak suami macam mana?

3. Jangan lupa fikir fasal kahwin

4. Mak bagi masa 3 tahun je, lepas ni, sesiapa masuk meminang mak terima je kak.

5. Etc.

Err… The ‘lamaran kedua’ thingy has nothing to do with the marriage proposal and what not, hokey…! It’s something bigger. MUCH matters than the marriage proposal (at this very point in time, inshaALLAH). Well, actually, I was ought to go for my umrah (with my parents of course) on December last year which supposed to be my ‘lamaran pertama’ but due to some visa problems, it has to be postponed to a date agreed by all. So, there goes my ‘lamaran kedua’ when my parents and I were selected to he His guests (once again, Alhamdulillah), and inshaALLAH at a state, where He knows better than us.

Allah huAkbar, walillahilhamdh.

“If ye reject (God), truly, God hath no need of you; but He liketh not ingratitude from His servants: If ye grateful, He is pleased with you. No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another. In the end, to your Lord is your Return, when He will tell you the truth of all that ye did (in this life). For He knoweth well all that is in (men’s) hearts” (Al-Zumar 39:7)

May He regard and consider all of our good deeds and ibadah during our time there, in His House (Baitullah) and may one fine day, I can in the other hand, bring my parents there as what they did to me. Amin, inshaALLAH.

“Our lord, accept this (service) from us; for Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing” (Al Baqarah 2: 127)

Err… the sweet sour part?

I’ve got to find some other time to write them down for now I’ve to mend something else.

inshaALLAH, soon ;)


nota: tajuk tak ada kaitan dengan kandungan.

saya pernah baca, orang mukmin tu, suka kalau ber’jaulah’. Maksudnya bermusafir atau berjalan sebab harapan mereka, mereka ingin mati syahid ketika dalam perjalanan. Antara pesanan mereka kepada yang tinggal termasuklah…

“doakan saya syahid, ya”

Suatu hari, saya temankan mak untuk mencuba pakaian. Masuk ‘fitting room’ berdua sebab dengan keadaan kaki mak yang baru mahu pulih dari retak akibat terjatuh di sekolah dulu (sebulan lebih hey cuti. I mean, MC) memang tak mampu nak membongkok dan berdiri sendiri.

Me: Mak, arwah Embah (panggilan nenek dalam bahasa jawa) dah pergi Mekkah?

Mak: Dah. Tujuh orang dulu, naik kapal. (maknanya, pergi bertujuh)

Me: Ohh… (sambil masukkan kaki seluar)

Mak: Tapi balik enam orang je.

Me: hahh..? kenapa?

Mak: yang lagi seorang meninggal kat sana. Orang kata, kalau pergi Mekkah, tak boleh dalam bilangan ganjil.

Me: ohh… habis tu, kita pergi tiga orang? Kak Na (bukan nama sebenar) nak tinggal la kat sana. Mak balik dengan abah je ea.

Mak: Hey, itu buat hajilah. Lagi pun kakak kan nak tolong mak kat sana buat umrah.


Saya dengar, bila tugas kita sudah selesai, kita kan dipanggil Dia untuk tinggal di sisiNya. Bukankah mati itu syarat untuk kita bertemu Dia?

Tapi kerja saya….

  1. Yuyu adik-adik MSU
  2. Yuyu keluarga di UiTM
  3. DF sahabat-sahabat seperjuangan
  4. Paper untuk Translation Conference
  5. Proposal master-jee
  6. Profile Dr.O+ make up SKS working hours
  7. Sidai kain

Banyak lagi yang tak selesai. Hailaaa~

Tapi, mati itu PASTI. Hidup itu, inshaALLAH bak kata Mum. Hehh… so, saya masih ada harapan.

“Doakan saya syahid ya!”

p/s: tolong maafkan salah juga khilaf saya. Saya manusia biasa yang selalu mencuba untuk menjadi luar biasa (though more often than not I appear weird).minta halalkan semua ya

semoga awal hingga ke hujungnya kerana DIA.

"wahai manusia, sesungguhnya kamu telah bersusah payah menuju Tuhanmu maka PASTI kamu akan menemuinya " (al-insyiqaq:6)