Ohhh itu bukan kesan mengantuk yang berlebihan atau lebih tepat lagi monolog dalaman seorang gadis yang bermasalah. Tapi stress yang dilepaskan sebab ada beberapa perkara yang telah terjadi dan sampai sekarang saya tidak dapat me’making sense’kan perkara-perkara tersebut.
Baiklah, saya tidak akan mulakan dengan listing dari yang paling tak penting kepada yang lebih aula (utama) tetapi saya hanya mahu ceritakan sesuatu though I have this feeling of ‘you-don’t-tell-others-every-single-tiny-little-thing-about-you-and-yourself-muna (bukan nama sebenar)’ but seriously, I’ve gotta tell you this.
Yesterday was my ‘Projek Kemanusiaan Day’ when I was initially planned to finish up my ‘never-ending-research-brain-storming-session’ and I supposed at 10 pm or something I could call it a successful and enjoyful day of experimenting my cooking skills, and pushing myself to the limits but -----> that was my assumption.
My- only- assumption.
I met my juniors at the seksyen 2 bus stop after quite some times waiting. We killed the time by catching up others’ stories and updates when it’s kinda too late to realize that, we’re waiting for a unicorn to do poco-poco and followed by salsa and tango afterword ---------------> errr which is merely IMPOSSIBLE.
There’s no bus stopped to give us a ride to seksyen 7. It’s 11.15pm and the last trip might be canceled. Plan B ------> I went back inside UiTM and walked from the very Gate 2 to my house which is closer to be compared to walking home from seksyen 2 (heyyy….!!! Saya tahu pembezaan jarak!!!).
Then I walked from UiTM to my house. I considered it quite okay since it wasn’t my first time walking home late at night so, though it was kinda creepy and scary, ‘pade’ je la… I’ve no choice after all but to maximally utilize my ‘kaki kuda’ because that’s all I have.
Oh, I haven’t hit my point yet. So, here the story goes…
I played my old mp3 player to the max by means of not to hear any weird out of blue bizarre things whispering, calling and what not except the sound of cars passing by before my eyes could catch two strange errr …… people looking down a muddy and slippery edge.
Me: (talking to my very dear self) Okay. I’ll pretending not to see or even notice anything and I’ll just walk home. It’s almost 12 muna (bukan nama sebenar) and your house is still few kilometers away. Okay, walk straight in front and don’t even glance on them. I didn’t see anything…. I didn’t see anything…
But I failed. I did look back and the girl who was bending down just now was somehow asking for assistance. There was another girl crying and screaming like …….. (do fill in the blank with any suitable adjectives to describe the fiercest feelings you could ever imagine) and at that very moment I know, I couldn’t run neither hide anymore. It was so mean to walk away and sell fish. Bukan jual-ikan. I mean, being selfish.