.:soft reminder:.

"And if My servants ask thee about Me - behold, I am NEAR; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me; let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so they might follow the right way" (2:186)

Sunday, December 5, 2010


In the name of ALLAH my Lord, my Everything…

p/s: this entry is dedicated to me, myself and I, so that I will not forget to count every single blessing I had, have and yet to reach (inshaAllah) and thank Allah for His love, care and guidance.


Yep, rizq or rezeki… in some cases people call it luck, blessing, good fortune and what not. One important and most triggered responds from those who both ways directly and indirectly face such issue is best described in one word ------------------------> E.N.V.Y

Exactly; jealousy or envy bring negative connotation.

Envy others for their achievements.

Envy others for what they have in life.

Envy others for what awaits them in the future.


At the very same time overlook on ourselves.

Forgetting what Allah has given us.

Forgetting what Allah spared for us.

Forgetting what Allah prepared for us.

Most tragically,

(Asal tragical ni mcm best je? haha)

We’re looking up on others, adoring their achievements when we’ve done nothing. None. Nil. Nought. Zilch.

Well, perhaps we shall recall these…

“and in no wise covet those things in which God hath bestowed His gifts more freely on some of you than on others; to men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn: but ask God of His bounty. For God hath full knowledge of all things” (4:32)

“and ye have no good thing but is from God: and moreover, when ye are touched by distress, unto Him ye shall cry” (16:53)

“… but it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not” (2:216)

Well said weren’t they? Feel relief? Good (if it’s so).

1st thing first, let’s us remind ourselves about 2 vital reasons of why we’re here, breathing in this Earth -----------> as a vicegerent and to serve our Lord.

Others are just TESTS. To stay or to digress from our main road to our final abode, that’s a choice.

2ndly, let’s widen our paradigm and scope of RIZQ and blessings concept.

To wake up every morning with iman and islam, it’s a blessing,. To be loved by our family and friends, it’s a blessing,. Being surrounded with good pals and peers, it’s a blessing,. Being saved from dangers and harms, it’s a blessing,. Bestowed with good and healthy mind, body and soul, it’s a blessing,. Being able to do good things, minding good thoughts and cherish good deeds, they ARE blessings,.

And thus,

Which of the favours of our Lord will us deny?

Let’s thank Allah for what we had, have and yet to reach. He loves us and cares for us like no other could do neither we could ever imagine.

It’s only one word ----------------------> G.R.A.T.E.F.U.L.

lets celebrate life...

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