.:soft reminder:.

"And if My servants ask thee about Me - behold, I am NEAR; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me; let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so they might follow the right way" (2:186)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

reality and fact

in the name of Allah, my lord, my everything...

reality and fact could totally disagree with one another. once, "what you see is what you get" is kinda strong stand to hold. believing your eyes and not what others might bring to your hearing sight. but now, seeing is deceiving. there's no such idea like "what you see is what you get" anymore. WYSIWYG thingy is no longer real.

i'm not pretty sure how does the image above affected us, muslim in Malaysia. well, if we have our beloveds there in Egypt, such photo could bring thousands of indescribable feelings - fears, panics and angers as well.

should we see ourselves as one as what has been told to us by our beloved Prophet SAW in His hadith -----> "muslim is a brother to another muslim..."
we shall be sharing the same fears. the same panics. the same anger for God's sake.
that's the fact. but in reality, it's totally different.

that is one thing.

another thing is the hidden fact behind all of the realities being bombarded to us from every angles and channels available.

see this [please click to view].

we're showing our empathy. our love for our beloveds there. and i agree with that. that's the reality. what about the hidden facts? none of us could tell unless it is us, facing them for real. i might sound pessimistic. i might see a small tiny little thing hidden in the bright big gigantic picture of the whole thing.

it has been reported that eight people were arrested in and around the Tabung Haji building area. so what?

one out of that eight people could be somebody else's son. one out of that eight peolpe could be somebody else's father and what not. so what?

i'm not in the very right position to criticize, what more to judge because i've only limited knowledge upon this issue which might lead to a tearing change later or soon to come.

may Allah have mercy on us. may He perfected His guidance for us to get through this thorny path and may He guide us to the rightful ways and means in gaining His bless, love and forgiveness. aminn, ya Rabbal 'alaminn.


  1. salam muna

    kenapa ade makcik cam nangis. apa yg dah jadi kat mesia sekarang? and kenapa demo kat us embassy? (regarding on the video)

    maaf.. yana tak update sangat sekarang. lagi2 sekarang dah banyak rumors tak thu betul atau tak spreaading around kan.

    tak tahu nak percaya yg mana.

    kdg2 ppl suke exagerate. sebab terlalu manja.
    but hm, like u said earlier we;re not in the right positiion to criticize.

  2. ooo ok dah tengok vid ni http://malaysiakini.tv/video/20957/thousands-demonstrate-against-mubarak-8-arrested.html

    dah tau kenapa us..

  3. yana syg: humn... ikram msia hntr memorandum ke us embassy. we're here doing ok iA... apa yg diusahakan oleh pihak2 yg concern dgn nasib saudara2 di sana is the much they can do.

    cuma muna agak terkilan dgn 'di sebalik' semua ni. ada pak cik2 yg sedih keadaannya merayu utk anak2 mreka... itu apa yg kita nampak. apa yg tidak, Allah hu'Alam...

    in a way, muna agak bersetuju dgn ust.faridul (baca post terbaru beliau) yg x brape stuju kita ke us embassy. hal mesir, mungkin harus serahkn saja pada rakyatnya, kerajaannya yang selesaika. tidak perlu drag 'org luar' even org tu mengaku 'polis dunia'...

    tpi itulah. apa yg muna nmpak, mngkin hanya small tiny little thing aja di sebalik the whole bunch of jigsaw puzzle which we're about to complete...

    Allah hu'Alam

  4. so true.......
    things are not as wat it seems to be nowadays....
    susah nk menentukan apa siapa dan kenapa...

  5. cik aninomus: hummm ^^ seemingly yes. semoga Dia tunjukkn kita jalanNya :) aminn
