.:soft reminder:.

"And if My servants ask thee about Me - behold, I am NEAR; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me; let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so they might follow the right way" (2:186)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

finer things pt.2


So, what’s the matter with limitations?

We have them. Everybody has them.

Yes, we might miss all the finer things in the world due to our limitations.

When others have cars, motor bikes or even someone to pick and drop them any where and every where they wanna go, we have to hop in and out of our ‘reliable’ public transportation to get ourselves somewhere we’d have to be for a real important ‘business’.

When others indulging their comfy and cozy time, watching a mid-night movie in a brand new renovated GSC cinema with their beloveds and friends, we’re praying hard that we can get the last train to get home and wait all alone in the KTM station, listening to our old mp3 player of our favorite tracks to distract our very own selves.

When others enjoying their monthly allowance, buying good stuff, all the favorite food and clothes they would love to have, we’ve to think 56 times whether or not to spend the money on our ‘interests’ and ‘wants’. Or else, we’ll be a real broke in the middle of the month and wouldn’t have the chance to ‘infaq’ the money to a better way of using it.

When others have their beloveds to be around when they’re in need, we’re walking on a lonely road, tiredly alone and wonder if somebody would just stop to ask what that very person can do for you because we’re seriously worn-out and tired of taking care of ourselves.


Wahhhhhhhhhhhh…. So many ‘when others but we’ things [blinking eyes]. They’re enough to show how we missed all of the finer things in life…

BUT hey….!!!

They’re just so called ‘FINER THINGS’ in life, when we’re actually had, have and yet to enjoy THE BEST and FINEST things in life promised by our Lord.

He said,

“…it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not” (Al Baqarah 2:216)

Yes, we might love to have a car, enjoy more time and money on our own favorites and interests etc. etc. etc. because we think life could get better if we own them but they might actually be just another source of distress to us.

We wouldn’t even know until we’re on the shoes but He wouldn’t let us be in such situation for He loves us and care for us. So, there He gives us what we need and teaches us with so many lessons we ought to know in life.

So, what with the limitations in life?

We have them. Everybody has them.

Kak Syimah once asked,

“Until when do we wait for things to get better when we don’t even try to change them?”

“Until when do we wait for the finer things in life before we can act accordingly to our roles and responsibilities?”

I talked to a friend of the same issue and she just tentatively listened without saying any single word to comfort me. At that very point of time I know, what was her ‘monolog dalaman’ and I took the part to say it out loud…

“You kerja, semua orang kerja. You penat, semua orang penat. You ada masalah, masalah orang lain lagi besar, kan? So…?”

Hah-ha! She smiled and I laughed at myself. Thank you Allah. Thank you…

--------------> Others might have cars with the greatest horse power [in another word, advantages in life] but you have your ‘pair of horse legs’ [in another word, your disadvantages] to empower you. Use them. They’re not a limitation. They’re you strength!

“Verily this is no less than a Message to all the worlds; With profit to whoever among you wills to go straight; But ye shall not will expect as God wills – the Cherisher of the worlds” (At Takwir 81:27-29)

Cheers for all the finest things we have in life.


  1. sangat like!quote puisi by dr asri:
    benarlah kata sesetengah sarjana.kadangkala makam syukur itu lebih tinggi daripada sabar.

    sejauh mana kita bersyukur dgn apa yang kita ada sekarang.jom refleks & koreksi diri sama2.jzkk Muna for the niceee reminder & sweet words of you.boleh jadi predecessor sis zabrina nih ;)

  2. cik bidadari anis:

    aminnn56... hehee :) mcm jauh je bunyi predecessor sis zabrina tu, tpi doakan ya :)

    many thanks juga utk quote dri puisi dr.asri tu... sgt deep dn bg ponder point yg besar ^^ hehe

    barakallah hu fiik :)

  3. Your post cheers me dear :)
    Perlu lebih bersemangat mengahadapi hidup!
    Moga Allah permudahkan urusan kita :))

  4. Kak Diyana syg: wahhhhhhhhh... Allah huAkbar, walillahilhamdh ^^

    semoga selalu bertabah menghadapi hidup **
    semoga Dia selalu jaga dan guide dlm urusan kita sehari2...

    mish u (:

  5. awak penat ke muna?

    takpe..bila kita rasa macam tu. cuba bayangkan orang lain pun tengah berpenat macam kita juga.

    nanti kita rasa macam kita ditemani ramai2 orang. dan sudah tentulah DIa juga.

    semoga dipermudahkan segalanya...

    misyubeb :)

  6. yanaaaaa...!!

    penat tu biasa kot... in fact, i need that. supaya ad modal nak share ng Dia iA :) hehe

    above all, semoga semua ni bukan palsu... T____T

    sweet ny ur analogy... jzkk yana... ** suka!

    smoga Allah mudak=hkn urusan yna juga :)

  7. hampir nanges baca.. u've grown up munna...x ter'catch up' akak... but,i'm happy =) as always.. itu selalu terkesima bla jumpa, tak tahu nak ckp aper..tgk munna lebih hebat dr 'mama'nya dulu...

    penat ker sekarang munna?keje belum lagi,tapi berusahalah meningkatkan prestasi supaya menjadi mahasiswi berprestasi malaysia tahu 2011... go munna!

  8. kak sheikh syg: **, (blushing)

    Allah huAkbar, walillahilhamdh :)
    sebab doa dan berkat usaha dua tangan 'mama'nya lah ad muna yg sekarang inshaAllah... :) Asiif kak, salah silap slama ni ^_*

    penat sbb kene keje juga ng lecturer. it's not half bad pun, tpi sbb travel ng kaki kuda kn? hehee tpi, getting use to it inshaAllah... :)

    nk jadi mahasiswi berprestasi malaysia tahun 2011!! (mcm KPI pula :) hehe)

    jzkk kak :)
    love u!
